
  1. Read more: Petting Cows and Eating Dogs

    Petting Cows and Eating Dogs

    by Charlie Carroll

    Ever wonder why cows are sacred in India but served medium-rare in Texas? Or why, in some parts of the world, dogs are pampered as family members w...
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  2. Read more: Rethinking Parenting

    Rethinking Parenting

    by Charlie Carroll

    I remember when I thought one of my main responsibilities as a parent was to establish and enforce rules. Yeah, about that. It turns out, raising e...
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  3. Read more: Self-Interest vs. Selfishness

    Self-Interest vs. Selfishness

    by Charlie Carroll

    Selfishness is that ugly habit of putting your needs above everyone else's. Self-Interest, on the other hand, is about recognizing and honoring you...
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  4. Read more: Beauty or Blah?

    Beauty or Blah?

    by Charlie Carroll

    So, here’s the thing: if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then so is blah. I know, right? Profound stuff. I figured this out after years of wo...
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  5. Read more: If I Was Starting My First Business

    If I Was Starting My First Business

    by Charlie Carroll

    After starting over 50 businesses, I've learned a thing or two about setting up a new venture. I think it’s fair to say I have lost hundreds of tho...
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